Boswell, Dale
May 2nd, 2018 is a day I won’t soon forget. It was on that morning that I would witness a phantom-like creature that, to this day, I have no rational explanation as to what it was. A Bigfoot? A Spook? A Dogman, Ghost, Spirit, Witch; I ain’t got a clue, but I do know that as a result of this incident, I have about three or four seconds of “Eye-Witnessing-Video’” tattooed….
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Roberts, Casey
I live in Central Alabama about 45 minutes outside of Birmingham. I’ve had multiple encounters over the years and one thing believe to be true about Bigfoot is they to like to play games with people. I’ve been hunting since I was 8 years old and I am very good at tracking. Also I’ve always been able to move through the woods without making a sound. One day while I….
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Smith, Jim
This was reprinted from The Randolp Leader of Roanoke, Alabama and is a tribute to the late Jim Smith of the Alabama Bigfoot Society. His encounter took place in 1971 and he was approximately 15 years old. As he and his website are both gone, I thought it would be good to post his encounter as it was the legacy behind the man we know as “Sasquatch Jim”. RIP Jim….
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